Saturday, June 30, 2012


Took ambien last night, slept pretty good. Straitened up house then Linda picked me up n we went to REI, then to dickeys for bbq, then lowes then home. Great visit. Was nice to get out of house instead of watching Paula Dean n her butter all day! Linda bought me this cool tye dye beanie. Love them. They r breathable n stylish. Thank you Linda Linda.
I don't know why I didn't take a sleeping pill! I figured it was 1230am, I'm tired, I'll sleep. Ahhhh noooo. By the time daniel rolled over and chatted with me, he said it was 2am? Then I got up at 4, then 730. Then finally 1030. Felt such choppy sleep. I even slept without wedge pillow thinking I would sleep better. Ahhh noooo. I will learn. I didn't even have caffeine or chocolate to keep me up.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Had a good day. Rested, exercised. Focused on left arm. Straightened up, made the bed, took out toilet seat riser. Trishies growing up so fast. I almost had energy to swiffer floors. Alison brought over some amazing pizzas. 1-veggie , 1 bbq chicken. Sauce was awesome. Thank you Alison. We shared some wine n lots of laughs. I can have some alcohol but within limits n make sure I drink lots of water. Covered!!!! How did I get so lucky to have worked for her 12 yrs ago n we r good friends today

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Woke up late with headache. Head was itching most of night. More hair is falling out. Oh well at least I have my eyebrows still.


Not much to write about the past few days. Was so lonely on Saturday. Daniel was working til 11pm n I watered the front yard n that's about it. Was feeling good but didn't want to swiffer the floor, do laundry, go walking. So was in my box with my remote.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Thank u Linda for upping my bland taste buds with my favorite food, chips n guacamole n spicy burrito. Went to rest room 5 x today. Yayyyyy. I still bought fig newtons n raisin bran in case stool softener stopped working. Was nice to hear from Jen. I owed her a phone call big time.
I went n bought myself n elk burger n frings today! Expensive but I needed to get out of house. 1 cuz of orkin man, n just get out period. Half that elk burger was so good. But arm was getting hard n sore because it was not elevated. Did lots of edema exercises today. Helped alot with inflammation. I have to be careful to not over due iit. My affected side was stretched a bit n was hurting like a sunburn. Another day tomorrow. Mmmm raisin bran!!! Night night

Monday, June 18, 2012


Thought chemo was gonna get rid of periods/ cramping!!! Someone lied! Oh well. I hate being constipated but my 6am restroom call was just awesome this morning. So awesome that I thought I was waking the 4 yappy dogs next door with my excitement of my movement.
I didn't take my shot last night r upping my white blood cells because 3 syringes r bad. I'll take it tonight with the refill I got today.
So tired n nauseus today. Started some laundry. Hate putting it away. Dishes r pilling but I'll nap n throw them in dishwasher.
I now have pt next month for my arm. Lymp swelling in arm bugging me. Must take precaution of no lymphedema.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


2 Nd round of chemo was Thursday. All was going well until last bag, last 30 minutes. Needed to go pee, sat up from reclining position then whamo!! Pix frame fell on my head. Ice pack n Tylenol came quick. So did 4 chemo nurses n my dr. "that metal tray was supposed to have been on a requisite list to be removed!" duh.2 days late I'm sore but ok. Daniel n I shaved each others hair earlier today! Cried once because I did look like a fat chemo patient. Took a shower, brushed off excess hair, washed my new head n felt new beginnings. I don't look too bad at all. G.I. Jane got nothing on me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Almost feel guilty. Still in my Jammie's at 8pm but I was kinda productive today. Sent daniel on his way to work. I watered the front roses, bougainville, n some weeds. I did some dishes n did some laundry. Then I chilled n literally pulled my hair out. All I did was scratch my head. Then combed my hair with my hands n freaking cried. It was all over the floor n all over my Jammie's. I'll get myself a Remington from target n just shave it soon. Next treatment is this Thursday. I'm more prepared for what's to come. I hated that shot that comes on day 3 for 5 days. See my new pix below.
Thank u san Jose peeps for the card n gift card. The card came in just in time because my mood was dampened!!!
Can't wait to ask dr if needle pain in right boob is normal with chest port pain.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Linda took us to lake Merritt bakery for brunch. So good. What a nice treat. Went to REI n got daniel some gloves n myself a stress ball n a new hat.


I should be going to aunt Annie's for that walk. Just little depressed today. Itched my head n put fingers through hair n had more hair in my hands. I know it's supposed to happen but none the less more of me leaving. At least it'll grow back next year.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Best hubby ever. I've been in Jammie's all day. Woke up and eyes were so heavy and almost swollen shut. I didn't go to sleep or take melatonin until 5am! I only made coffee n poured the captain crunch. No energy all day
Oh back to best hubby. He made me a delish grilled cheese n brought it to me
My hair is thinning n my scalp is burning. Sleeping on cotton pillow case is going to change. Sateen here I come.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Nausea n bloop bloop not fun. Drove a little today n was sad. Drove with windows down n my head was actually hurting!! Past few days my hair has been thinning. Mamma said hair n boob don't make trishy trishy. I understand what she says, I truly do. Then I watched Soul Surfer- again, made me think more. "why god chose this path for me?" dunno but I'll patiently wait for an answer. Something good will come. In the meantime, I'll eat my captain crunch!


Ambien!!!! Should've taken it sooner. Left chestestes area hurted most of day. Did some arm exercises as the left arm n pit area was sore, more than usual. Took a good 1 hr nap since going to bed at 2 am. I'm going to have the chest port area looked at soon before next chemo. Sitting, lying down seems to bother me like a needle pinching me all the time. Motrin doesn't seem to help.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Only took 1 Motrin today. Should've exercised my arm more. Was so tired today. Not too tired to visit for 3 hours with Linda-Linda. Always makes me feel better when someone else is having a worse day than me so I can bring them ice cream sandwiches!! Lol
Got up at 10:45a took a nap at 1 for an hour. Tomorrow going to group therapy at 3. Looking forward to it

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Had a great brunch with michelle in san leandro. Some nausea in the morning, not a nosebleed in sight. I felt good so we sprayed 100 SPF on my bod n took a walk at san leandro marina. Only took 1 Motrin today. Went home n read for a bit n took a 2 hr nap.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Got up late, no guilt I needed it. Tried on some wigs last night n tried some medicated milk chocolate. Both were equally fabulous n helped the numbness in my left arm disappear. Started the day feeling nauseous but 3:15pm cheryl arrived with a big hug n red velvet cake! We visited alone for a bit. It HAS been a while ms. Cheryl!! Snakatani arrived 30 mins later with L&L!!! She brought me goodies from her Hawaiian trip. Brittle was awesome. We ate, visited then Cheryl n I grabbed the mic n busted out some karaoke! Yes I was feeling no pain then either. Yes I had a bit of chocolate for mid afternoon brunch.
Better than putting that pill on top of my tongue. Don't judge